Sunday, April 26, 2009

How to grow roses, cattleya and PHALAENOPSIS?.?

I'm from the Philippines and I'm having a hard time growing them. They always die. The roses die with white insects on the branches. My Cattleyas dont bloom and they have yellow green leaves. My PHALAENOPSIS never blooms and eventually dies..pls. help me. thanks

How to grow roses, cattleya and PHALAENOPSIS?.?
The White insects you can get rid of by spraying them with a mild solution of dish soap and water. Just get a 32oz spray bottle, add one teaspoon of dish soap, one teaspoon of light cooking oil, and fill with water. Spray very early in the morning to avoid sunburn on the rose leaves. This will kill the Aphids.

Here is a site on how to bloom you Cattleyas orchid:

Phalalenopsis: I'm not sure what could be going on with your Phal. I grow Phalaenopsis and haven't had any trouble. One thing you can try is once you phal has lost its bloom then repot it in an orchid bark mix, place it in indirect light, and water in when the bark is completely dry. This would completely depend on humidity. I usually have to water once a week. Also, don't use tap water. Use rain or distilled water to water your orchids.

Good Luck

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