Sunday, April 26, 2009

My cattleyas won't bloom. the climate is hot and dry. the leaves are green though.?

not so humid, used charcoal as potting medium and they're exposed to bare sunlight

My cattleyas won't bloom. the climate is hot and dry. the leaves are green though.?
The problem is hte dry part. Orchids are tropical plants and require high levels of humidity, usually between 45-60% humidity is required. For my Cattleyas I use a humidifier that is placed about two feet away.

how often do you water? Charcoal doesn ot retain much water and dries out very quickly. This is good in htat it prevents root rot, but especially in a dry environment means it will have to be watered every few days.

I would suggest repotting it in a mixture of charcoal and pine bark, watering every two to three days ( or when dry) and increasing the humidity.

Are the roots growing? Is there new growth, is a new pseudobulb growing? The roots should ne white with a green tip or transluscent. You should also see new growth on the orchid itself in teh form of a new pseudobulb, or branch. Once you see these things, you know it is healthy and will flower if it is large enough.

Tooth Fairy

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